• Europe

    Sowing Seeds of Insecurity: Radical Groups and the Manipulation of Left-Wing Ideologies.

    In recent years, there has been growing concern over the tactics employed by certain radical groups to spread their influence and ideologies within English society. One particularly insidious approach has been the co-opting and distortion of principles traditionally associated with left-wing movements. By presenting themselves as champions of progressive causes like social justice, equality, and anti-discrimination, these radical factions have attempted to penetrate mainstream discourse and recruit new followers. However, their true intentions are often to sow seeds of division, insecurity, and even fear within communities across England. One core tactic is to exploit societal tensions around issues of race,…

  • Government of Bharat Policies

    Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) in India ahead of the 2024 general elections

    The Implementation of CAA Shows Government’s Commitment to Protecting Persecuted Minorities. With the 2024 Lok Sabha elections rapidly approaching, the Modi government has doubled down on its pledge to fully implement the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) across India. The controversial act provides a path to citizenship for non-Muslim minorities from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan who faced religious persecution before arriving in India prior to December 2014. The government’s determination to follow through on this key manifesto promise signals its unwavering stance on protecting vulnerable religious minorities in the region and delivering on the expectations of its core voting base. Despite…